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Navigation & Flight Planning

Welcome student! The following material is created/collected to help you during your flight training.

Pre-Flight Preparation



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Navigation & Flight Planning Briefing

PDF. Document

PDF. Document

Click to enlarge

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Click to enlarge


Visual Navigation Charts (Paper) have a wide range of navigation products including VNC charts, and the NZ VNC book. They also provide navigation tools such as rulers and plotters. To view their navigation charts CLICK HERE. (AIP shop) Also sell a wide range of aeronautical products as well as amendment services for AIP plates. To view their navigation charts CLICK HERE.


Electronic Flight Bag (EFB)

                   is an excellent option for pilots with Android or iOS 
                            devices that want an electronic version of the VNC's, as well as the aerodrome plates. An EFB also offers additional Situational Awareness by displaying a real time 'moving map'. Yearly subscriptions can be purchased

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                   is also an excellent option for Android or iOS 
                            devices (particularly well suited for iOS). Avplan has the added feature of displaying ADSB-
equipped-aircraft in real time. Both Avplan & OzRunways offer very similar systems but have slight differences between them. Avplan subscriptions can be purchased HERE.

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